House Rules 09-04-2018 What Do Ad Agency Operations People Do Dear House Rules,It was enjoyable – and instructive – to learn about the workload of your Chief Creative Officer in your last post. However, I know there must be people in ad agencies who mostly don’t do the brainstorming, concept development, and client presentations… people who keep the place running. Every business has at least one person (if not an entire department) whose job it is to control the chaos that runs rampant in most creative companies. What’s a day like for one of those employees in your own organization? Signed, Special Ops View Post >
House Rules 08-21-2018 What Do Advertising Creatives Do All Day? Dear House Rules,As a pharmaceutical company product director, I reach out to creative agencies on a regular basis. I’ve always been curious how different employees of creative agencies spend their work days. Could you provide some insight? Signed, Genuinely Curious View Post >