Watching is Believing: Add Video to Your Marketing Mix

Embracing New Trends in Pharma Marketing
As pharma marketers, we do our best to stay on top of the current trends in the field. We’ve produced emails and eDetails, developed ongoing social media post calendars, and even created guerilla marketing campaigns to accompany more traditional new product announcements after launch meetings. It’s important to us – and to the clients we serve – that we’re ahead of the curve. So what’s next?
The Shift Towards Video Marketing in Pharma
First of all, let us just say that it’s wonderful to see a company so committed to next-level types of pharma advertising. As a field, pharma can trend towards the old-school, tried-and-true approaches of journal ads, sell sheets, and direct mailers. While there will always be a place for these messaging vehicles, there are plenty of new tactics to employ as well – one in particular has already been shown to be a huge success in pharma marketing: video..
The Importance of Video in Marketing
In other industries, videos have dominated more and more on social media feeds and timelines, but pharma has been slower to adopt the technology. However, video marketing is here to stay. Not only does it make it easier to communicate with your audience, it’s also a powerful tool that can project authenticity while creating an emotional buy-in.
Statistics Highlighting Video Impact
Want statistics? Here’s one from Forbes: 65 percent of decision-makers will visit a brand’s website after watching a video.
Enhancing Traditional Marketing with Video
The addition of video can increase the effectiveness of many “standard” forms of marketing:
1.) Emails
Whether you’re sending emails to HCPs or patients, marketing emails that include video will earn a 200-300 percent increase in click-through traffic. Nope, that’s not a typo: click-through rates increase 200%-300%.
2.) Social Media Posts
Facebook posts or tweets – even though these both constitute newer marketing tactics, their ROI is still vastly improved by the addition of video. The same Forbes poll found that 62 percent of people tend to engage with a post containing video before a post containing only text.
3.) Product Websites
The landing page for your product website provides the first impression many potential customers (HCPs and consumers alike) form of your brand. While not overwhelming the user, it’s important to make that first page as clean and modern as possible, featuring the latest technology. Landing pages that include videos have an 80 percent higher conversion rate.
The Consumer Preference for Video Content
In fact, roughly 90 percent of consumers state they use product videos as part of their decision-making. Even if that number is higher for other industries than it is for pharma, it is still a significant statistic.
Partnering with Xavier Creative House for Innovative Marketing Solutions
We recognize the importance of video (and many other newer marketing tactics) at Xavier Creative House. We’d love to share our expertise with you, and hope you’ll reach out via web, phone, or social media soon!
Reference: 1. https://bit.ly/2KfNr03 Accessed April 2, 2018.
Categories: advertising, branding, digital marketing, healthcare marketing, pharma marketing,