Tapping Into the Power Within
Helping employees tap into their potential comes in various forms. At Xavier Creative House (XCH), we believe in holistic health programming that addresses the mind, body, and spirit. We have made well-being an essential business strategy to foster the creativity and potential of our people.
Our organization recently engaged a Human Potential Coach to provide our team with weekly mindfulness sessions named Thoughtful Thursdays. Employees take time during the workday to participate in exercises such as guided breathing. The typical respiratory rate is 10 to 20 breaths per minute. From a mindfulness perspective, slowing the breath to any rate from 4 to 10 breaths per minute can provide a sense of calm and offer physiological benefits.
In addition to mindfulness, guided meditation has been shown to help people with stress, sleep, movement, focus, and productivity. To encourage meditation, XCH provided the entire agency with a year’s subscription to the Headspace app. This tool provides hundreds of exercises for meditation, sleep, focus, and movement that employees can do in just minutes each day and at whatever time they choose. For someone who has never tried meditation, Headspace takes it step by step, beginning with a 60-second mindset refresh. It is an effective way to start on a path that unfolds at everyone’s own pace, helping mental health and promoting a better work-life balance.
It is all about being intentional; whether taking a short break, practicing regulated breathing, or adding a movement to the day, employees need support to take care of themselves. The method is as unique as the person, and organizations that provide a variety of health and well-being activities are tapping into the power within each team member to reach their potential.
Categories: Wellness,