Say No to New Business? Build Your Brand Integrity by Staying Focused.
Dear House Rules,
I am an incredible medical writer but my clients often refer me for marketing assignments. Should I accept these diverse jobs to build my client base and bring in revenue? How does that affect my brand if I branch out and offer whatever my clients need? Sincerely, Should I Do It All?Dear Do It All,
Target marketing is perhaps the most effective strategy for small to medium sized businesses. It can be very tempting to stray from what you do best especially if you need cash flow, but in the end it can hurt your brand.
4 Ways to Protect and Build your Brand
- Market yourself as the expert in your defined area
- Refer out business that is outside of your niche
- Be highly searchable on your expert skills
- Develop relationships with referral partners for requests outside your expertise
Refer as a form of Marketing
There is no need to turn off your customer when they make a request outside of your service area. Simply take that call and fully explore what the client needs. Identify the part of the work in your area of expertise and collaborate with another company to fulfill on the rest. Network for stellar referral partners and explore the value of sharing customers. The bonus is when referrals come back to you and help you further build a client base in your area of expertise.
How to Target Market
It is all about staying focused. All of your advertising, networking and public speaking should be reserved exclusively for your niche. If you have a small group of customers, check out where they network to find like firms. Join industry associations and community groups with a membership known for you target market. Get your business story straight so introductions can be clear and engaging. Consider working with a professional design firm to ensure that all of your branding points customers in the direction of your specific product or service offering.
To make the most of your branding effort, hire a professional brand design firm.