
In the Dark Ages

Dear House Rules,

Technology is moving so fast. I used to do business with a handshake and can remember when my logo was good enough to represent me in all of my company’s marketing. Recently, someone told me I needed to brand my social media pages. Is that true? Sincerely, In the Dark Ages

Dear Dark Ages,

An egghead on Twitter or a blank banner page on Facebook is today’s equivalent of the VCR flashing 12 o’clock after a power outage. These social media outlets and others such as Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest (the list is endless) serve as extensions of your brand and offer continuous opportunities to pull through creative. The next generation of customers are visual consumers, short on time and overloaded with marketing messages everyday… you need to STAND OUT and your logo and other brand imagery impacts their perception of your brand when they see it on the web. You can and should utilize all of these spaces for reinforcing the unique identity of your product, service or business. The numerous ways to differentiate yourself on social selling platforms include:

  • Evocative design and color that represents your brand
  • Photos, illustrations and other branded imagery custom sized for the platform
  • Content that is targeted directly towards your audience and engages them
  • Format that is responsive in nature so that your brand can be viewed on monitors, laptops, tablets and mobile devices.

An eye catching graphic and rich content can entice viewers to repeat your post on their site with the ultimate goal of going viral. Sounds good, but mastering your brand cohesively across the web is easier said than done. Roadblocks like bmp size limits and truncation of text make some amateur attempts at branding social media channels a nightmare. A basic social media makeover package is very affordable and has you making that first impression in grand style.

About Xavier Creative House

Founded in 2013, Xavier Creative House (XCH) is an award-winning healthcare creative agency specializing in pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device. XCH’s global team of brand builders and healthcare marketers, tech-savvy go-getters, and innovative dream-vetters are passionate about the big idea that changes behavior in the healthcare marketplace. They believe life is about connections and that healthcare is about life. That is why XCH delivers bold and evocative creative solutions, amplified by meaningful technology, to energize brands and authentically connect with patients and HCPs.

Where Healthcare Brands Live®

For more information, contact

Sunny White
Founder & CEO of Xavier Creative House